About Us

Planning a wedding is one of the biggest projects in your life. You should take care of everything, such as wedding gown, wedding ceremony and wedding reception and so on. It may take you hundreds of hours searching for everything part of wedding, which is really an exhausting but still exciting work.

Here on this website we, call ourselves as WeddingFavorsers, are trying to collect and review the existing wedding favors in the market. We try to make a wedding favors show systematically to help you lighten the load of planning your wedding. Also if you want to share any wedding favors idea with us, please kindly email your idea and image to WeddingFavorsers@gmail.com, we really appreciate for your participation.

What are exactly wedding favors and what do they mean?

Wedding favors are small gifts given as a gesture of appreciation or gratitude to guests from the bride and groom during a wedding ceremony or a wedding reception.

The tradition of distributing wedding favors is a very old one. It is believed that the first wedding favor, common amongst European aristocrats, was known as a bonbonniere. A bonbonniere is a small trinket box made of crystal, porcelain, and/or precious stones. The contents of these precious boxes were generally sugar cubes or delicate confections, which symbolize wealth and royalty. (In this era, sugar was an expensive commodity and was treasured only among the wealthy. It was believed that sugar contained medical benefits). As the price of sugar decreased throughout centuries, the tradition of providing gifts to guests reached the general populace and was embraced by couples of modest means.

What item can be the best one as a wedding favor?

We can’t go further if we don’t know the past. From the origin of wedding favors, our wedding favors show can grow with a solid root. We are no longer asking for “Hi, where can I buy our wedding favors, or what do you think are the best wedding favors”. Everything can be your wedding favor only if it can be embraced by those modest means- wealth, royalty and appreciation.